Cerebellum Day

The Cerebellum Day of the French Cerebellum Club is an annual conference which brings together the French scientific community focusing on cerebellum research. The meeting builds on the internationally established and large cerebellum community in France and serves as a first and open discussion platform of unpublished data and new research ideas. Topics cover a wide range from molecular, over physiology to clinical research on cerebellar disorders.

This year, the 4th Cerebellum Day will take place ONLINE on January 21st and 22nd, 2021. The meeting features internationally renowned scientists as keynote speakers : this year we will host Indira Raman (North estern University, USA) and Esther Becker (Oxford University, UK). Talks and posters by emerging scientists such as students and post-docs are encouraged and emphasis will be put on a stronger involvement of clinical researchers in order to foster translational interactions.

Participation requires to subscribe to the French Cerebellum Club (25 euros for researcher, 10 euros for students and
postdocs). To do so, follow this link : https://app.joinly.com/app/member/web-site/5fbe1d91ce590f58067849b5/Club-Cervelet. For further information, please contact Philippe Isope (philippe.isope@inci-cnrs.unistra.fr).



If you wish to present your work and results you must submit your abstracts here.
More information on the presentation modalities in the coming days.


Dowload the program here

Keynote speakers


Indira M. RAMAN
from NorthWestern University (USA), is an internationally renowned scientist who worked on sensorimotor integrations in cerebellar nuclei.


from Oxford University (UK), is a newly established team leader yet already recognized for her work on cerebellar development and clinical research.


Contact : cerebellumday2021@igf.cnrs.fr

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